Literal means to take words in their usual or most basic sense without metaphor; or representing the exact words of the original text.
When I woke up yesterday morning I had every intention of going to work. I planned, in my mind, to stop by Wal-mart to pick up a few Christmas gifts for my co-workers before heading south for work. I made it to the store and I found some items for my colleagues, but I did not make it to work.
As I was driving on the highway, I noticed a vehicle to my right that was moving entirely too fast. When I saw the car, I said to myself, "They are going to hit the van in front of them...he is driving too fast." It was apparent that the driver of that vehicle realized the possibility of a collision and braking was not going to resolve the problem. So, the driver swerved to the right onto the shoulder. Then all of the sudden I saw the van swerving toward me - I reacted by moving my vehicle to the left. Seconds later another vehicle sped past me on the left shoulder to avoid hitting me. After I pulled over and regained my composure, I noticed another driver pulled up behind me. I got out to ask if he was ok. The driver told me he was fine - he was calling the police. After the phone call, he looked at me and he said, "Our guardian angel was with us."
Every day before leaving my home I pray. I pray for my family, friends, co-workers, and enemies. But, in addition to this - I pray for traveling grace and mercy. In my prayer, I ask that the Lord encamps His angels of safety around me. I ask that no problems arise with my vehicle and that I don't hit anyone or anything and no one and nothing hits me. Yesterday, I saw Him do everything I literally asked Him to do. Neither vehicle hit me - nor did I hit anyone.
I am sharing my testimony to encourage someone to make your request known - literally.
“Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.”